Refined Sugar

Refined Sugar "ICUMSA 45" Orgiinating from Brazil

ABO has multiple manufacturers, BRF and Razien are the most well known in the world for supplying Sugar, No. 45 and Raw Sugar. All of our suppliers can and will offer the GACC for the China customers.

Our state-of-the-art warehouse stands as a testament to ABO’s commitment to excellence in the storage and distribution of premium commodities, particularly sugar from esteemed manufacturers like BRF and Razien. Equipped with cutting-edge facilities, our warehouse ensures the utmost quality and compliance with GACC standards for our valued customers in China. With meticulous inventory management and stringent quality control measures, we take pride in providing a secure and efficient storage solution for No. 45 and Raw Sugar, reinforcing ABO’s position as a reliable global trading partner.

Project Detail of Refined Sugar "ICUMSA 45"

Sugar ICUMSA 45

Origin: Brazil/Thailand/South Africa/Africa/Indonesia/Malaysia
International standard of Sugar 45
Accept Escrow /DLC /SBLC /TT (acceptable for transfer or non-transfer)


  1. LC/DLC USD/RMB/transfer/transfer are all acceptable
    Brown Sugar :..
    Note :One month SBLC/DLC is paid at the Loading port; 2-3 months SBLC/DLC is paid by CIF to the destination.
  2. SBLC/BG
    3,Escrow / TT
    Price :

Minimum order quantity: LC/DLC
Escrow hosting/TT/SBLC: starting from

Standard operating procedures

  1. ICPO,  SPA draft,  SPA signature.
  2. Seller Offer Pass transaction record/GACC/allocation letter,  etc.
  3. The buyer signs the DLC/SBLC/BG VERBIAGE/Escrow agreement
  4. MT760/MT700
    The seller provides a template, the buyer’s bank issues a Draft MT 760/MT700 to the seller’s to review , the seller and his financial company certify the wording and sign
  5. The buyer (financier) sends formal MT 799 to seller finance company , buyer send MT700/760 after seller finance company confirm 799
    Note: MT 760/700 do not send to ABO Canadian Bank,  send it directly to ABO Back to Back Financial Group
  6. MT760/700 is sent from the buyer’s bank officer to the seller’s bank officer with a copy to
  7. After the funds are in place,  ABO pays 3% PB/commission,  etc.
  8. FOB
    Copies of documents and CI are received after shipment at the Brazilian port. The buyer checks the products and documents at the loading port and confirms that there are no problems with the SGS/BOL and documents. SGS can verify and change buyer name , The buyer releases the MT103 to ABO , and the seller changes all documents and writes the buyer’s name, price can reduce 10USD for Fob , but seller can also CIF buyer port
  9. CIF price
    If the buyer seeks CIF,  we can ship the product directly to the port designated by the buyer,  change the documents and title,  and the buyer releases MT 103 to ABO , SBLC/DLC need 2 months

Notice :

  1. Seller Canada account refuse DLC /SBLC loan
  2. Branch of Seller China can take CHINESE LC for Chinese Money
  3. Seller back finance can take USD DLC/SBLC for Transfer and Non Transfer , Finance loan to seller , Seller will return loan
  4. MT 103 release to seller Canada bank


  1. The seller can issue SBLC/DLC at a reasonable price on behalf of the Buyer
  2. Prices will be adjusted according to market changesn
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